Plastic free July
Small steps, big difference
We are proud to say we are passionate about looking after people and the environment! At Pacific Coast Lodge our commitment to sustainability is on the top of our priorities list all year long, but July is a special month for us, and I will tell you why: It’s Plastic Free July!
This is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. And the good news is: anyone can get involved!
Here are some of the things we are doing to reduce plastic waste and help our beautiful Aotearoa stay green:
No single-use plastic items We have stopped using them: straws, plastic cutlery and cups, and takeaway containers. We encourage our guests to do the same and offer them eco-friendly alternatives made from biodegradable or reusable materials, and paper takeaway containers.
Reusable coffee cups We have some beautiful reusable coffee cups available for our guests! Taking your own cup to a coffee shop is a simple solution to disposable coffee cups and plastic lids.
Water bottles We want ours guests to stay hydrated and plastic free! To reduce marine debris, protect our wildlife and oceans, we encourage them to purchase a reusable and long lasting (and cute) stainless steel water bottles. How about you start encouraging family and friends by gifting them a reusable bottle and coffee cup that suits their lifestyle and personality?
Reusable Bags We provide reusable shopping bags for our guests! Don’t forget to grab yours before going to the supermarket. They are free and you will be carrying not only your groceries, but your commitment to reduce single-use plastic bags.
12 months committed to the environment We love being part of Plastic Free July, because we care about the environment all year long. Our monthly Beach Clean Up has been an awesome way to get people together for a meaningful reason: keep our stunning beaches clean protecting our marine life. Our staff are committed to minimise landfill waste, following recycling rules and always seeking more sustainable alternatives. We all know our mission by heart: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, - Travel - Repeat!
Helping keep New Zealand, Aotearoa, a piece of paradise for our guests!